This is a state of the art geo political thriller. It spans a lifetime of one man played by Jon Hamm playing the middle east when lives are on the line and time is running out. Rosamund Pike is the voice of reason. I like her in everything and she is given some room to run in this picture.
Lots of truths mostly sad spoken in this movie. That gives it an extra half star.
4 paradise changed into wasteland stars
How I love a well made B movie and this is a true contender for the best
of today. It has the look and feel of a brilliant 21st century high school project. Notable maybe only because it stars the daughter of famous morning person Kathy Lee Gifford, and she makes her mother proud. I liked all the no name characters and the story was told in a way that made me suspend disbelief. The director/writer Mark Dennis should definitely be given some big money to make something more.
Its mostly fantasy but ends with sci fi.
3 very solid non time wasting stars