I have watched less than half these movies, but based upon them I want to watch everything reviewed in the video. Okay maybe not the VHS board game one.
The sequel to the National Lampoon inspired Iron Sky (2012). This is a very clever and funny send up of our modern world. Apple takes the biggest punches. I call it a must see. I wont spoil anything, but this movie is totally bonkers, every conspiracy theory is realized. 4 NAZIS on the moon and South Pole Stars
This is one of this slice of lives in the Dark Heart of America Movies. Starring Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn. Tory Kittles who we loved as Brossard from Colony is also excellent. He is the new Denzel. There is a homage to Rampage. The dialogue is over the top but works. Another movie that makes me never want to cross the border into the excited states. 3.6 take the money and run stars
is the new Bruce Lee. Triple threat has Tony Jaa and Tiger Chen staring along side Scott Atkins in the biggest Martial Arts movie since Enter the Dragon. If you liked the raid and similar movies your going to love it.
A movie about mining in the future. A bad father takes his daughter on a risky mining adventure. A low budget film that hits the mother lode with great acting and a premise that rings true. Sophie Turner is totally convincing as a fish way out of water. Take a chance on Prospect you will be rewarded. RT gave it 88%. 3.5 weird and wonderful stars
Monsters that prey on our senses. Will the next big dystopian hit be stinky? Sandra Bollock carries this movie. Without her mastery of the scene this would be another bad b movie. RT gave it 62% and thats about right. Arguably the most popular Netflix movie ever. Do not put on the blindfold watch the Birdbox. In contrast I did not watch The Quiet Place to the end, I just skipped to it. three seeing stars