Independence Day was a big movie. Biggest Grossing movie of its year, and 51st in history. For the Sci Fi Genre it was the 25th highest. It was a great groundbreaking epic movie. Lots of great messages and themes. Generally a huge dart at the military industrial complex.
I generally cant stand Will Smith but loved him in this movie. (MIB, Enemy of the State, I am Legend as well). Jeff Goldblum is another actor I am lukewarm on but he nails it here. The rest of the cast mostly character actors, with the exception of Bill Pullman. Brent Spinner has a great part as a capitve scientest in charge of alien studies Area 51.
Due to the upcomming release of the sequel I rewatched it last night. It remained fresh and compelling. The only thing really dating it was the period automobiles.
Rotten Tomatoes was really rotten in giving this movie only 61%. I have to go with over 90%.
Five Stars