Saturday 24 January 2015

Movie Fans Taken 3 (2014)

Taken 3 has accomplished its primary goal of sucking the last dollar out of Liam Neeson fans. We should feel good because he got $20 million of the $45 million dollar budget. We should feel bad because its a ridiculous movie. Saying that about a movie in the Taken tradition means its way out there in disbelief la la land. Mills never tells the bad guys about his skill set, he does not even kill that many people. This movie relied on explosions and car chases over use of special skills. 

There is a baby in this movie, the plot should have been the baby has been eaten by dingos. Rotten Tomatos gave it 10%.  If you liked Taken 2 which I did, this movie is about as big a drop off as it was from Taken One.

Two point one stars

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