This movie had everything going for it. I got no problems with the lead actors or the support. The story is brilliant right out of my vision of a Robert Heinlien novel. The special effects are leading edge. Yet this movie fails. So where to place the blame? First the script, second the director and third the editing. Rotten Tomatos gave it 25%. I think if you like Sci Fi you should watch this. If you thought Cloud Atlas was bad, this is better. 2.5 stars
Really disliked this film. Kunis was great, but watching Magic Mike fly around topless for two hours in some CGI nightmare made my head hurt. Its way too over the top. I didn't like Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor either...which are both similar.
They need to make a new Matrix Trilogy... and I know eventually they will, despite publicly dissing the idea. Three box office bombs in a row will eventually force them to reboot their most successful product.
Really disliked this film. Kunis was great, but watching Magic Mike fly around topless for two hours in some CGI nightmare made my head hurt. Its way too over the top. I didn't like Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor either...which are both similar.
They need to make a new Matrix Trilogy... and I know eventually they will, despite publicly dissing the idea. Three box office bombs in a row will eventually force them to reboot their most successful product.
They make beautiful thoughtful movies that are crap lately.